ContentTECH Summit is part of the Informa Connect Division of Informa PLC

This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Informa PLC’s registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. Registered in England and Wales. Number 3099067.

Sponsor Manual for ContentTECH Summit 2020

Welcome and thank you for being part of this year’s ContentTECH Summit! This year’s 100% virtual event is taking place August 10 – 12, 2020. As a sponsor of this year’s program, our number one priority is to deliver you an outstanding virtual experience, resulting in exciting new opportunities for brand visibility and lead generation.

Our new digital platform allows sponsors to have the full experience of being at an actual event with live video conversations from the moment people step into your ‘booth,’ just as you would do with a physical booth at an in-person event.  Within the Virtual Exhibit Hall, event attendees will be able to experience: 

  • Company profile page showcasing your featured content, pre-recorded videos, demos, product pitches and more
  • Private video chat room for your staff members where attendees can join your private room to network, collaborate and do business.
  • Resource area – you can include links, videos, whitepapers, a slide deck or brochures which attendees can download

Please click here to learn more about your virtual booth layout, scheduling meetings and post show data analytics.




Virtual Expo Hall Hours:

We are encouraging attendees to visit the expo hall during the following hours. Please be sure to staff your virtual booth during these times as attendees can drop by your booth for an ad hoc zoom chat. While conference sessions take place, attendees will still be able to access your booth, schedule meetings and download/view all of your resources.

Monday, August 10: 9:30am – 11:00 am EST, During all interactive breaks  & 1:30 pm – 3 pm EST  

Tuesday, August 11: 9:30am – 11:00 am EST, During all interactive breaks   & 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST

Wednesday, August 12: 10:00am – 12 pm EST & 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST

Meetings Schedule:

Throughout the duration of the event attendees have access to your booth, allowing them to schedule meetings with your team. The calendar will be set up so attendees can schedule 15min 1:1 meetings during the following times. Please be sure to have a staff member available during these times to accept & attend the meetings.

Monday, August 10: 9:30 am – 11:00 am & 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm EST  

Tuesday, August 11: 9:30 am – 11:00 am & 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm EST

Wednesday, August 12: 10:00am – 12 pm EST & 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST


Please ensure you read each section carefully and meet the required deadlines. If you have any questions, please contact the Operations Manager:

Erika Ferrigno
[email protected]

I look forward to working with you in making this a successful event

1. Company Profile Information – Due July 27th

Please click here to submit the following items:

  • Exhibiting As Company Name
  • Company Logo – 250 x 50 pixels (PNG, JPEG or GIF supported)
  • Company Website
  • Upload 1 Piece of Featured Content*
  • Upload up to 5 pieces of Additional Resources*

*With each piece of content please include a title, thumbnail image (4:3 or 16:9 .jpeg or .png supported) and description

Content Suggestions

  • We encourage at least one of the content elements to be a short (up to 2 minutes) video overview of the product or service your featuring. (.mov or .mp4 preferred – no more than 3gb) 
  • Additional videos – up to 30 minutes total run time (.mov or .mp4 preferred – no more than 3gb)
  • Flipdecks – Self-paced slide decks (PowerPoint or PDF only)
  • Narrated online slide presentations made with Knovio (
  • PDF documents (which can be flipped through and downloaded) 
  • Link to any resource on the web (submit a URL)

2. Registration

Based on your ContentTECH 2020 sponsor agreement, you are allocated several complimentary registrations to the virtual conference along with all networking activities and access to the content on demand after the conference. An email was sent with your complimentary codes and discount codes.

While your registration is complimentary, we still need you to complete the registration process. Register here, being sure to use the comp promo codes provided. If you have not received or you have misplaced your codes, please email [email protected] or [email protected] for assistance.

3. Promote your Presence


  • Twitter – Find us at @cmicontent and use the hashtag #ContentTECH to join the conversation.
  • Facebook – We’re Content Marketing Institute on Facebook. During the event, we’ll post photos here each day.
  • LinkedIn – Telling your LinkedIn connections about your ContentTECH session? Be sure to tag our Page.
Please download image for social sharing and promotion.
Please download image for social sharing and promotion.

Lastly, please review our code of conduct for this event. Also please be sure to check out our Sponsor & Exhibitor Checklist for all virtual events.


SAVE THE DATE: May 15 - 16, 2024 | ONLINE
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